Eric Ford
Eric Ford recognizes the need for good fathers and wants to be a voice in shaping how men see themselves. Informed by his time spent as a youth minister and an aspiring therapist, he longs to see the next generation of dads take their next step towards growth. Eric’s work with Father Magazine centers on social media and writing, where he believes that becoming “men of consequence” as Jon Tyson describes, will lead to exponential change in communities and families.
He is married to his wife, Meghan, and has two young boys. They currently live in the East Bay Area in California. Some of Eric and Meghan’s best experiences in marriage center around 5 years spent on Young Life staff living in Germany working with military teens. They are both currently on staff at Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church in San Ramon, CA. Eric is also a Marriage and Family Therapist trainee. In his free time, Eric enjoys travel, drumming, and the outdoors.
Content Manager / Social Media