The Vision
To see the nobility of manhood restored for the next generation through men fulfilling their roles in society and family.
To provide wisdom-bearing media that inspires and equips men to thrive in their God-given roles so that the nobility of manhood is restored for the next generation.
Father Media group is a 501(c)3 who provides donation-funded resources and media to restore, equip, and encourage men in their God-given roles as leaders, husbands, fathers, and friends.
Our vision is to be a household movement that calls out the best in men the way they were designed to be. We will act as the tip of the spear for the media and content that we create to change the temperature and tone of the modern day man.
Our dedication is to craft and create content and media that men will actually use to encourage, equip and transform the way they live out their role as men in unity with other men.
We will provide a platform for those that need to hear from the voice of a sage-like father, and a place where mentors can tell their story and speak their message to the younger generation so we can break the toxic generational curse of misguided manhood prevalent in our current landscape.
Marcus J. Meazzo
Founder and CEO – Father Magazine
Marcus Meazzo’s desire and mission to improve the state of manhood in today's social landscape came not only from the evident effects of fatherlessness and father wounds running rampant in America but from his own trials and need for a voice of his father in his own life. From his collective experiences in developing rich media, events, magazines, and passion to solve this problem, he wanted to answer this call.
At time of publishing, Marcus, his wife, and two children are located in the east bay area in California while working on his online media company, Father Magazine–an online platform for those that need to hear from the voice of a sage-like father, and a place where mentors can tell their story and speak their message to the younger generation so we can break the toxic generational curse of misguided manhood prevalent in this generation.
Stephen L. Meeks
Editor in Chief – Father Magazine
Stephen Meeks believes in a noble version of manhood–a soul-level version that’s been slowly slipping away for a long time. His heart is to restore true manhood by bring clarity and direction, along with practical help and encouragement, to men and boys living in this period of confusion, discouragement, and even disgust surrounding manhood.
As a licensed counselor, he has gone into the trenches with men working their way through wounded pasts, flawed messages, and personal failings, and led them to a place of clarity, strengthened confidence, restored hope, and helped them catch a higher view of what it truly means to be a man in all his noble roles as son, husband, and father. The founder of GoodSoil Ministries, and the author of several books including Save the Boys! and Manabouts Field Guide He and his bride, Donna, have 5 adult children and 12 grandchildren. They live in rural Appalachia on a small farm in a log house where he counsels, writes, and dreams of an epic fishing expedition in Alaska….with his sons and grandsons.
Our Board of Directors
West Soward
Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Bryan
Executive Producer